Saturday, October 03, 2015

MacWise and El Capitan

MacWise versions prior to 15.2 may have problems loading fonts with El Capitan (Mac OS 10.11)
You may get an error, " ActivateFontFromResourcesFile error -985 "
If you get that error, the MacWise font may not have loaded and can cause cursor positioning and screen clearing problems.

MacWise version 15.2 and later now attempts to load fonts from it's resources folder. If that fails, it looks for fonts in the MacWise Fonts folder.
The installer now has the option to drag MacWise Fonts to the Fonts folder (MacWise will alert you if that needs to be done)

If you are running MacWise version 14 or older, there is a $59.00 upgrade charge for version 15.
The order form is here...

The latest version of MacWise is here...