Monday, December 08, 2008

Using MacWise with Cisco Routers

When you log into a Cisco Router with telnet, you may need to tell the router how many lines of data that the MacWise screen is set to.

The symptom is this:
When you list several pages of text to the screen, the listing should stop at each page and have -more- at the bottom of the screen. When you hit the space bar, it should show you the next page.

If instead, it just scrolls through the entire document without stopping, here is the solution:
At the Cisco Router prompt, enter the following:
terminal length 24
(that will tell the router that MacWise is set to a 24-line screen).

You can use Connection Scripts in MacWise to automatically send the terminal length command during login.

Cisco routers use the tab key
MacWise versions prior to 14.2 had a problem with the program freezing with the tab key.
Pressing the "TAB" key (which in Cisco IOS automatically completes the CLI command) freezes the program and the interface
If MacWise appears to hang when you use the tab key, it is caused by a System keyboard preference in OS X preferences.
Here is the fix...

MacWise 11.51 Fixes Scroll Bar Problem

The Scroll Bar was intermittently getting disabled and dimmed.
This happened when any data was sent to the screen causing the scroll bar to move while MacWise was in the background. The symptom commomly occured when MacWise was in the background and the host timed out the telnet session, sending the "connection closed by foreign host" message and causing the scroll bar to move.

The latest version of MacWise can be downloaded here:

Monday, November 10, 2008

MacWise 11.48 and fixes since 11.29

As of November, 10 2008, MacWise version 11.48 is the latest version.
Here are the fixes and enhancements from versions 11.30 through 11.48



Fix - Taking too much time to launch MacWise.
Caused by changes in version 11.47
Now back to fast startup time.



Fix - AppleScript commands "CaptureOn" and "SendHostMessage" were not working with previous 11.x versions.
(See the folder called "MacWise Sample AppleScripts").



Fix - If you use a barcode scanner as keyboard input, some barcode scanners could intermittently cause the first character to be dropped when scanning a barcode to the MacWise screen.



Feature - New iPhone screen size can be selected from the Window Menu. MacWise can now be accessed from your iPhone or iPod using Mocha VNC

Get instructions for using MacWise with iPhone



Fix - If you had "End Each Line with CR/LF" enabled in Mac To Host Transfer Options, it was not being remembered.



Fix - Screen Textwrap was not being remembered when you quit MacWise and ran again.



Fix - Keyboard input now much faster. If you are using a barcode reader, MacWise can now accept input from the reader at full speed.



Feature -This version adds a new 18-Point font size and large window.
This new window size fits perfectly on a MacBook Air screen.
It also fits nicely on other MacBook models.

The new 18-Point Font Window has a size of 1044 X 700
The MacBook Air native resolution is 1280 X 800, so the new MacWise window size leaves 100 pixels at the bottom for your Dock.

It also fits nicely on a 1024 X 768 screen filling the entire width and leaving room at the bottom for the Dock.



Fix - If the host tried to reset the arrow keys for Wyse 60 or Wyse 370 mode back to default, MacWise was blanking out the arrow keys instead of setting them to Wyse defaults.

Fix - Special 8-bit characters for function keys - Could not enter any special keystrokes in the Fkey Command field when editing function key commands.
(Option 2 or Option Shift G , etc.)



Feature - You can now optionally use the 24-point font and large window on a MacBook Air.
The MacBook Air screen is not tall enough to display the function keys at the bottom of the screen with this larger window. But you can use the function keys from the keyboard.


1. The MacBook Air and some other MacBook models have a default screen resolution of 1280 X 800.
The 24-point MacWise window is 1280 X 865 (65 pixels taller than the screen).
You will need to position the OS X Dock on the right side of the screen to make room for 24 lines of data in the MacWise window or hide the dock.

2. The bottom scroll bar arrow will not be visible. To scroll, use the page up/down keys.

3. Do not click on the green button to size the window smaller. That will only allow 21 lines of data to be displayed and will cause scrolling problems on a 24 line screen.

4. If the above limitations are a problem for you then please use the 16-point font and large window instead. People with aging eyes will appreciate the capability to use the larger 24-point font window on the small MacBook screen.



Fix - Version 11.32 was installing all of the MacWise files at the root level of the drive. The installer should create a MacWise 11 folder inside of the Applications folder. Also, MacWise font was not being installed.



Fix - The Clear key was intermittently not working. It is used in Wyse 60 and VT extended keypad modes.

Fix - Control E was not working.



Fix - Window transparency value was not being remembered when you quit.

Fix - Half duplex mode was not being remembered when you quit.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

MacWise 11.29 Released

May 20, 2008

MacWise version 11 was released in early March 2008
It is the universal version that runs natively on Intel Macs and PowerPC Macs.
The program was converted from Basic to C during an intensive 7-month long project.
After a couple months of bug squashing, MacWise is currently at version 11.29 with no outstanding bugs being reported.

Click here to download the latest version of MacWise.

Here are the most recent version fixes.

Version 11.29

Fix - Terminal type may have not been recognized by the host with telnet connections.

The terminal type you enter in the Telnet Connection... window may have been ignored on some Macs. This problem surfaced in MacWise version 11 because it is faster than version 10 and was sending the telnet environment commands to the Mac unix shell too fast before opening the connection.

Version 11.27

Feature - More VT220 keys supported - Insert, Del, Home and End.

The help key is used as the Insert key or you can use Option i.

(Help keys on some keyboards are labeled ins / help).

Note: the Page Up/Down keys in this group of keys were already supported by VT220.

Wyse 60 /370 emulation has always supported all of these keys.

Fix - After opening a new serial connection, the emulation window was not active until you clicked on it.

Fix - If preferences were set to "Mouse click sends column,row to host", then clicking the mouse was sending row 11 to the host instead of the actual row.

Fix - ESC ~a~ not working to run an Applescript under host control. You would get an error because the AppleScript folder could not be found.

Version 11.25

Feature / Fix - Sped up event timing to make keystrokes faster.

Auto key repeat is now faster.

Fix - When the host switched to 132 column mode, it was possible that text would not appear on the screen to the right of the 80th column in some rare cases.

Fix - When you switch to 24 point window, the 132 column font will now change to 12 automatically, Also when you switch to 16 point window, it will change 132 column font to 9 automatically.

Fix - Now supports Origin Mode for VT100 / VT220

Fix - Allow Control O to be used with telnet when the "Use TC Shell" option is disabled.

Fix - Possible array bounds error if textwrap was turned off.

Entire version history is here.

Friday, April 25, 2008

MacWise 11.21 fixes VT100 / VT220 problems

MacWise version 11.21
If you recently upgraded to MacWise 11.19 or 11.2 and are using VT100 or VT220 emulation, this upgrade applies to you:

Fix - VT100 / VT220 emulation. When capturing text to a file or the clipboard or printing, it could be possible to output a blank line if the line was longer than the standard width and textwrap was off. The line of text would appear on the screen but not in the text output to the file, clipboard or printer. This problem was only in MacWise versions 11.19 and 11.2
Since this problem could be intermittent depending on line lengths and the status of textwrap, it is highly recommended that you upgrade to MacWise 11.21 if you are currently running 11.19 or 11.2 and are using VT100 or VT220 emulation.

NOTE: MacWise 11.2 fixed VT100 / VT220 top and bottom margin problems. Those fixes are in this version also.

The current version history is at:

Rich Love

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

MacWise Version 11 Function Keys Highlighted by Tab Key

If your MacWise function keys highlight each time you press the tab key, It's a feature, not a bug :-)
This is actually a feature of OS X, not MacWise. But you can disable it.

In the Keyboard & Mouse Preferences, in System Preferences, there is an option for full keyboard access.
If it is set to All Controls, it will cause the tab key to select the MacWise function keys. Each time you press the tab key, the next function key will be highlighted.
This can inadvertently be turned on by mistake by hitting Control F7.
To fix this problem, Open the Keyboard & Mouse Preference window and click on the Keyboard Shortcuts tab and select "Text boxes and lists only".
Then uncheck the option to "Move between controls or text boxes and lists".
See attached screen shot.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

MacWise Version 11 Released

This is the new universal version of MacWise and runs natively on Intel and Power PC Macs. Previous versions ran under Rosetta on Intel Macs. This version is much faster.

New Features:

• SPEED! Runs natively on Intel and PPC Macs. No more Rosetta. This was accomplished by converting the entire MacWise project from Basic to C.

• Added an option to enable or disable raw Unix mode for telnet, secure shell and the Mac Unix shell. This provides more compatibility options for connecting to host computers via the Mac Unix shell. This was always enabled for previous versions of MacWise. Turning off this option may let you log into hosts that would not respond to keystrokes.

• Added a "?" icon to several dialog boxes, which links to a "Help" pop-up, and added "Help" to many dialog box items, which appears when you hover the mouse over the text.

• Cleaned up the MacWise 11 folder by creating more folders and moving all help files inside.

• Connection Scripts... is located under the Connection Menu now instead of the File Menu.

• The standard Apple installer is now used.

Developed with FutureBasic and converted to C by Rich Love.
Special thanks to Robert Purves, Brian Stevens, Bernie and other members of the FBtoC team who made it possible for me to convert MacWise from FutureBasic to a universal Carbon C application with their free FBtoC software as well as their great support.
This was a seven-month long project.


Fix - None of the document icons were working in Leopard.
Now, the Phone icon, QuickDial icon, Fkey icon and Settings icons work.

Fix - Print scroll back buffer was printing blank pages if you tried printing selected pages 2 to 5 or 2 to 2, etc. Same problem existed for normal printing also. If you started printing from page one you were OK, but could not start printing from any other page number.

Fix - Mouse Click Delimiter window was returning back to emulation window when closed. Now returns back to preferences window, as it should.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

MacWise and Leopard

MacWise 10.9.25 was released November 7, 2007 and is compatible with the final release of Leopard 10.5
If you are using an earlier MacWise 10.9 version, you will have problems.
You could not open a telnet connection on an Intel Mac with versions prior to 10.9.25

If you are using a MacWise version prior to 10.9, it will not run at all with Leopard.

The current version of MacWise as of February 5, 2008 is 10.9.37 and is fully compatible with Leopard.
This version of MacWise runs under Rosetta.
A universal version of MacWise has been in development for 6 months and is nearing completion.
This new version will run natively on Intel and PowerPC Macs and will not require Rosetta.
It will run faster also.
There will be no charge to upgrade from MacWise 10.9 to the new universal version.
(exception will be site licenses older than 60 days. Then there is a small fee).

MacWise version 11 beta is here